Happy New Year’s Resolution!

New Years Let’s face it, the most beneficial New Year’s resolutions are the biggest chore. Well motivated promises to quit smoking, lose weight, get more exercise are often broken by the end of the first week. Today, Dr Jim will give you 7 easy resolutions to choose from that can have a huge health benefit for very little effort on your part. If better health is your aim for 2009, then this is your show!

HERE is the ergonomics website Dr Jim mentions in this episode.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Healthbuzz Podcast!!

Let’s Talk Turkey… and Holiday Food Safety

foodsafetyIt’s a Black Friday of a different sort… running for a toilet every 15 minutes. You’ve been bitten by the food borne illness bug, aka- food poisoning.  A few simple steps can help you avoid food borne illness, but still allow you to enjoy those Turkey Day leftovers. Listen now to learn more…

Also check out the: USDA Food Safety and Inspection Website

Or US Food Safety.com for the latest recalls and alerts.

Off Label Cosmetic Filler Use – Dangerous?

cosmetic fillerMillions of women have found relatively inexpensive ways to stave off the middle aged blues without the risk and expense of cosmetic surgery. Botox and injectable fillers have changed the landscape of cosmetic procedures. But wait… the FDA never approved one of the most popular uses for these fillers… plumping up lips. In fact, their web site advises against it.   Today Dr Jim interviews Dr James Heinrich, medical Director of the Pacific Coast Cosmetic and Laser Medical Center regarding this issue.

Microwave Oven Safety and Kids

microwave ovenWe reach into the microwave with our bare hands and pull out piping hot food on a daily basis. You’d never do that on a stove-top or oven. No wonder kids don’t necessarily understand the risk. Today Dr Jim discusses the surprising findings of a recent study on burns in children associated with microwave ovens.

Do Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors?

Brain TumorMuch has been made about the potential link between cellphones and brain tumors. Of 19 scientific studies on the subject, 4 show a very weak association. Most scientists believe that the potential for harm is extremely low. But with nearly everyone talking on a cell phone these days, we thought we’d go to the source. This episode Dr Jim interviews Dr Otis Brawley from the American Cancer Society. Their mission is to prevent cancer. Are they sounding the alarm on cell phones? Listen now to learn more…

Stress, Suicide, the Economy and You

StressThe American Psychological Association has published a report showing that stress is on the rise in America and women are bearing the brunt of it. ER visits for financially induced stress and suicide are on the rise. We hear news stories of suicide from a 45 year old father and husband in California to a 90 year old widow in Ohio. Recognize the symptoms of stress and learn to manage stress during these tough economic times. Listen now…

Inflammatory Breast Cancer – No Lump, Often Misdiagnosed

breast cancer awareness ribbonDid you know that you can have advanced breast cancer with no lump and a normal mammogram? This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Dr Jim has chosen to focus on Inflammatory Breast Cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with mastitis, you need to hear this report! If you have breasts, you need to hear this report! If you know someone with breasts… listen up…

Pneumonia Vaccine Reduces Risk of Heart Attack

heart attack vaccine
Headlines say that a simple pneumonia vaccine can reduce your risk of heart attack by 50%. If this true or have the media incorrectly interpreted the data?? Dr Jim sorts out fact from the myth. Listen now…

HERE is an excellent video showing what happens during a heart attack.

Navigating Gender Differences

Tell men directions and give women landmarks. That’s the upshot of a study in the Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience. Research shows a clear difference in how gender affects our ability to process directions. So testosterone affects our brains in this way too? Dr Jim explains…

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