Category Archives: Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer – No Lump, Often Misdiagnosed

breast cancer awareness ribbonDid you know that you can have advanced breast cancer with no lump and a normal mammogram? This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Dr Jim has chosen to focus on Inflammatory Breast Cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with mastitis, you need to hear this report! If you have breasts, you need to hear this report! If you know someone with breasts… listen up…

Health Risk of Hybrid Vehicles?

Urban legend or legitimate health concern? That’s what Dr Jim explores today after interviewing an expert in the field of Electromagnetic Radiation or EMF. A recent article in the NY Times titled “Fear but Few Facts” sounded this alarm. Dr Jim interviews Dr Robert Goldberg (a real doctor/PhD) who presents the true data as we know it today, so you can decide for yourself.

Dr Goldberg’s website HERE
More info HERE

Senator Ted Kennedy’s Brain Tumor

This diagnosis probably generates more fear than any other… brain tumor. Our brain is the seat of our personality, our intellect, our connection to the outside world. To be robbed of its full function has the greatest impact on quality of life for all of us. Senator Kennedy has been diagnosed with one of the more aggressive forms of brain tumor, a malignant glioma. This group of tumors are treatable, but not curable. They take life quickly, in a matter of months or at most years. Learn more, listen now…

Is bottled water safe? The latest buzz on Bis-phenol A

RecycleBPA (or Bis-phenol A) is a chemical in plastics which can leach out of the plastic containers into the food products we eat. Previous studies showing precancerous tumors, urinary tract problems and early puberty were disregarded because the researchers injected the chemical into rats rather than feeding it to them. But the federal National Toxicology Program has changed their stance on those studies and is now asking the FDA to reconsider the safety of BPA.  Hear Dr Jim’s take on this issue now…

Colon Cancer – “most preventable cancer”

This month is Colo-rectal Cancer Awareness Month! Why is colon cancer the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in the US when early detection leads to a cure in 90% of cases?? Because only 1 in 3 who should get screened actually get it done. Are there symptoms? Who’s at risk? How simple is the screening test? Dr Jim answers these questions and more. Listen now…

Background information for this episode provided by Dr Ron Adamany and his nursing staff (thanks Kate Kamel, RN).

Dr Jim Answers Your Questions

This week Dr Jim discusses news articles and answers listeners’ questions. If you have a health related question, call now at 1877-Dr-Keany. In the news this week Dr Jim discusses the recent study showing Zetia had no positive impact on atherosclerotic plaque build up. Also he discusses the study on increase ER waiting times and sheds some light on the cause. Next he tells all about the new drug Libigel, touted as ‘Viagra for women.’

Dr Jim answers listener phone calls on the topics of lung cancer screening for a former smoker, advice on what to do with a ruptured silicone implant, and the topic of live liver donors and liver transplant. Listen now…

Obesity, Nutrition, and Cancer Prevention

I decided on a monologue this week. With this sudden flurry of studies released dealing with cancer risk, we need to get to the bottom of it all. What is really helpful and harmful based on these latest studies? The nightly news won’t tell you, because they don’t even read the study before reporting. Listen now to find out what it all really means…

The New HPV Vaccine – Gardasil

Dr Jim asks his local OB/Gyn expert, Dr Leon Baginski, about the recently release HPV Vaccine. Dr Baginski discusses the importance of this new vaccine and how it may prevent many cases of cervical, penile, and oral cancers.