Tag Archives: swine flu

Universal Flu Vaccine

universal flu vaccineWhat if we had a flu vaccine that didn’t need to be changed every year… a vaccine that would protect against all strains of flu? That is exactly what Dr Robert Belsche and his colleges at St. Louis University Center For Vaccine Development have been working on. Their research shows that immunity for multiple strains of influenza is possible with a single vaccine. What’s the significance of this for protection against worldwide pandemic flu? Will this protect us from Swine Flu… Bird Flu? Listen now as Dr Jim discusses these issues with Dr Belsche.

Swine Flu

Swine FluSwine flu is here. Cases are popping up from coast to coast. How serious is this? What are the symptoms? Who’s at risk? What can we do to treat swine flu? Can a pandemic or epidemic be averted? Today Dr Jim answers these questions and more. Listen now…

CDC website regarding Swine Flu