Tag Archives: New years resolutions

Happy New Year’s Resolution!

New Years Let’s face it, the most beneficial New Year’s resolutions are the biggest chore. Well motivated promises to quit smoking, lose weight, get more exercise are often broken by the end of the first week. Today, Dr Jim will give you 7 easy resolutions to choose from that can have a huge health benefit for very little effort on your part. If better health is your aim for 2009, then this is your show!

HERE is the ergonomics website Dr Jim mentions in this episode.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Healthbuzz Podcast!!

New Year’s Resolutions and Britney Spears

What could Britney Spears and Jamie Lynn Spears possibly have to do with your New Year’s Resolutions? If you are a parent of a kid between 9 and 19… plenty! Just how abnormal are these kids, you may be shocked to learn that their experiences hit very close to home. Britney, a single parent trying to raise 2 young kids while struggling with problems of her own… Jamie Lynn, a teenage girl with an unplanned pregnancy. Is mom (Lynn Spears) really to blame for all this? What can we do as parents to protect our own kids? Re-assessing your relationship with your kids might be a top priority in 2008!

And for other resolutions such as weight loss, fitness, and stress reduction, I will give you a few key clues on how to succeed. If you can’t think of any resolutions for the year, we’ll also talk about some simple and painless ways to improve your health…