Tag Archives: cancer

Prostate Cancer Easier To Find Thanks To New Testing Strategies

Prostate cancer is hard to detect. Current testing only helps detect 70 percent of tumors. New tests may help raise that percentage. Listen in for more info.

Colon Cancer Is One Of The Most Preventable Cancers

Colon cancer is a leading cause of death, yet it is extremely preventable. If you are over fifty it is recommended that you get checked out.

Mammograms-Physician Experience Differs From Reccomendations

Routine mammograms recommendations are different depending on who you talk to. Listen in to see what the differences are, and which ones are best for you.

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Radiation Dangers From Japanese Tsunami

The tsunami in Japan severely affected the nuclear reactors in Japan. As long as the damage is controlled the U.S should be fine. Listen in to find out the details and threats posed by the Tsunami.

Study Shows Cancer Treatments Differ Based On Region

Does geographical location correlate with the type of cancer treatment? A recent study shows that they do. Listen in for more information.

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